Flaming June becomes damp squib
Flaming June becomes a damp squib
Exceptionally heavy rainfall in June has resulted in unprecedented river levels for most of the month, with many of the banks being quite treacherous and the water remaining unpleasantly murky, especially in the lower reaches of the Bintry and Yarrow beats.

While fishing has been patchy as a result, some good fish were caught during the month, with wild fish in particular continuing to rise to a fly, despite the conditions.
The big event of course has been the major clearance work on the County School beat, which turned out to be slightly more work than anticipated as many of the overhanging willows had taken root in the river bed and the only way of removing them was to pull them out with a grab.

The good news, however, is that, as we hoped, the beat is now totally accessible and hopefully will provide additional sport over the coming seasons. Although some clearing work still needs to be done, the fishing bank is quite clear and once the water colour improves it will once again be an enjoyable stretch to fish.
The bad news, of course, is that club secretary Richard Nelson may well be asking for volunteers to help with the remaining clearing work!