BMTF Treasurer Andy Hunt steps down
Andy Hunt steps down as BMTF treasurer

Andy Hunt, club treasurer for the last 4 seasons has stepped down due to pressure of work. He will remain on the committee as an ordinary member, so the club will continue to benefit from his considerable management expertise which has been instrumental in bringing us back to financial stability.

The new treasurer, Mark Brunning has a professional accountancy background, so should prove very useful in keeping us on track in future. The club currently has a healthy bank balance, but we are looking to carry out some major river habitat and access improvements over the course of the next year or so, which will require careful management and all the resources we can bring to bear.
We canvassed the membership for volunteers to replace Andy Hunt and it turned out that we had a professional accountant among our ranks, who needed only gentle persuasion to volunteer.
On (and off) the road
The committee has invested in a club pick up truck to assist with ongoing river maintenance and stocking. It was decided that investing in our own vehicle would be more cost-effective in the long run than using alternative transport and having a fully off-road vehicle available at all times will greatly improve our flexibility and efficiency when it comes to transporting stock fish and materials across the meadows.