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Membership of the Bintry Mill Trout Fishery is limited and there is a waiting list. The waiting list is currently closed, but check this page for any changes.
Norfolk chalk stream; the Bintry Mill Trout fishery on the River Wensum
The Bintry Mill beat is reserved for members only and has a good selection of deep pools, gravel runs and riffles, providing excellent summer chalk stream trout fishing. Upstream nymph and dry fly are allowed throughout the season.
Fly fishing one Norfolk's finest chalk stream, the River Wensum
The upper stretches of the Bintry Mill beat have mostly gravel and chalk bottoms, providing good sight fishing, but careful wading is required to avoiding scaring fish.


A short extract from the movie ‘Chalk’ showing the River Wensum. To see the full movie, visit


The lower Bintry beat varies between fast flowing gravelly runs and deeper pools. It is ideal dry fly and nymph fishing water. The water is usually very clear, so you can often see the fish, but they can also see you!