Looking forward to the new season
It’s still only February, but already a lot of good work has been done over the winter by our volunteer work parties to prepare the beats for the coming season. The club has purchased a very user-friendly wheeled trimmer which has drastically cut the amount of work involved in the cutting of paths along the banks.

The entire length of the Whisky Bank is now clear and easy to walk. Our work party volunteers have also rebuilt a large area of dangerous, swampy bank on the beat, making it more accessible to anglers.The entire length of the Whisky Bank is now clear and easy to walk. Our work party volunteers have also rebuilt a large area of dangerous, swampy bank on the beat, making it more accessible to anglers.
This section of bank hasn’t been cut for several years as it is inaccessible for a tractor and flail in the winter months. Last season, because of the unusually wet spring, it remained uncut for the entire year.
Goff’s now fully accessible
The entire length of Goff’s beat is now fully accessible as the path through the woods has been cleared and the entire true right hand bank can now be walked. It’s been a bit of a marathon over the winter, as most of the beat has never been cut, but given that it makes up a large proportion of the fishery, it is important to maintain and improve it.
New stiles and ladders are also planned for next season to make life easier for members who want to wade. Goff’s is a very quiet and under-used beat, which makes it ideal for those who want the river to themselves, and the rich and varied wildlife there makes it worth the walk from County School.